Injured Snowshoer at Kelowna Nordic Trails

COSAR’s second call of 2022 came Sunday to rescue an injured snowshoer on the SnowView trail in the Kelowna Nordic Trail system.
Winter Snowmobile Training at Greystokes

Last weekend, members of our team went up to the Greystokes area to brush up on their snowmobiling skills. Fun was definitely had by all, but rest assured, our team takes these training days very seriously.
Welcome to 2022!

Welcome to 2022 everyone! We are looking forward to some fun in the snow and we hope that you will get out there to play too. Visit the Education page to learn about the Three T’s and the 10 Essentials you should always bring on your adventures.
Looking Back on 2021

Looking back at 2021, and feeling incredibly grateful for this amazing community we are a part of!
Christmas Eve Callout

On Christmas Eve, COSAR was called out to assist the Kelowna RCMP in searching for and locating an elderly female with a mental health issue in the North Glenmore area.
Rescue Story: Local Business Owners Make Huge Donation in Thanks

Three years ago, Andrew MacLeod and TJ Dumonceaux were saved by search and rescue.
Today they played it forward by making a $15,000 donation to Central Okanagan Search and Rescue.
Happy Holidays from COSAR

As our team flies past the 100 call-out mark, and onto #104 this week, we are thankful for our entire community.
Busy Week for COSAR

Last night Central Okanagan Search and Rescue was called out twice within 90 minutes.
Our first call came in from the Kelowna RCMP at 8:45 p.m. to help search for an elderly female with dementia.
A Tradition: The MIT Overnighter

In 2020 the COSAR team had to postpone a time-honoured tradition due to COVID-19: an overnight team-building event that involves our new recruits and veteran members.
COSAR Reaches 100 Tasks in 2021

It’s been quite a year for COSAR! We just hit 100 callouts for 2021, a record for our team. We are the oldest SAR group in British Columbia, operating since 1954. As you may know, we rely heavily on our amazing, highly dedicated volunteers and financial support from the community.