FireSmart Open House

Today COSAR will be part of the Lake County Fire Department’s FireSmart open house.
Duff Goodwin’s fight with leukemia

COSAR SARM and former Canadian Forces vet Duff Goodwin is fighting leukemia.
COSAR back at Dee Lake

At request of RCMP, COSAR was back in the Dee Lake area for Operational Period 8 in the search for Allan Francescutti.
Thank you friends and supporters

COSAR would like to give a heartfelt thank you to our Central Okanagan friends and supporters.
Searching for a 25-person meeting room

COSAR is searching for a 25-person meeting room for evenings on May 23, July 20 and Mondays nights in Jan., Feb., and March.
Still Searching for Allan Francescutti

Search teams from Kamloops, Penticton, Salmon Arm, Kaslo, Kelowna, and the Fraser Valley are back at Dee Lake searching for Allan Francescutti.
Thank you Dee Lake Resort

COSAR would like to give a shout-out to the fine folks at the Dee Lake Resort for supporting our recent search.
Search for Allan Francescutti is Paused

The search for Allan Francescutti has been paused while RCMP and COSAR continue to gather information.
Allan Francescutti Search Continues

Ground, UTV, tracking and dog teams from Kelowna, Grand Forks, Kamloops, Kaslo, and the Fraser Valley continue the search for Allan Francescutti.
Search Continues for Allan Francescutti

More than 50 searchers, dog teams and ATV teams are continuing the search for Allan Francescutti today.