Extract Injured Skier
Today at 1:30 p.m. COSAR was called to the Kelowna Nordic Ski and Snowshoe area to extract an injured skier.
A COSAR member was skiing on her own when she spotted the fallen woman and used her Zoleo emergency locator beacon to call 9-1-1.
She then called the Nordic groomer operator and got him to bring up the cat to help extract the subject.
They rendezvoused with the rest of the COSAR team at the main cabin, where they administer pain medication and transferred the subject to a waiting ambulance.
It was COSARs second task of the week.
On Monday around 3 a.m., the team was tasked by RCMP to check on two overdue hunters in the Beaverdell area.
Using a tracked UTV, the team escorted RCMP in until they found the hunter’s camp.
Their vehicle had broken down and the two decided to spend the night before walking out in the snow.
Instead, COSAR brought the subjects back to a main road where they were handed off to friends.