Mutual Aid in Vernon
Some COSAR members will be in Vernon helping VSAR search for Robert Bains.
More information from Vernon SAR below:
Vernon Search & Rescue along with other SAR team members from Southern BC are continuing the search for Mr Baines. Today (Jan 5), SAR members will be knocking on doors in the Kal Park neighborhoods – they will be requesting to search outbuildings and yards. We cannot enter your yard without permission.
Official Provincial Search & Rescue members will be wearing Search & Rescue identifiable clothing and have Provincial ID. Statistically, the highest probability of locating a person on this type of search is within a structure (they will seek shelter). Vernon SAR would like to clear and confirm “where he is not” wherever possible.
If you live in the area and are not at home but would like to give your permission to search, please feel free to forward your address to [email protected]. If we do search your property, we will leave a piece of flagging tape with Search & Rescue markings.
In addition to searching residential areas, we will also have SAR dogs (again – they have Provincial ID) searching residential areas and Kal Park – along with SAR ground teams. Search Dogs look for scent – that’s ANY fresh scent. We acknowledge Kal Park is a busy park but ask if you do see SAR Dog teams working the area, to allow them space.
Thank you ever so much to our wonderful community for your ongoing support to Vernon Search & Rescue and our efforts. We do appreciate you!
Coralie Nairn, Vernon Search & Rescue Manager.