Stranded Motorists at James Lake
COSAR was called at 9:15 a.m. Wednesday to assist RCMP in recovering two stranded motorists in the James Lake area above east Kelowna.
The two had become stuck Tuesday while 4x4ing in from Ellison toward Highway 33 and spent the night in their truck.
They tried to dig themselves out before they texted a friend who called 911.
They were able to provide accurate GPS location, so COSAR used our tracked UTV to access the area.
The subject’s vehicle was located 5.6 kilometre from the Goudie Rd & Hwy33 junction.
The UTV team reached the stuck vehicle at 11:44 but could not locate the subjects.
However they were able to track them through the snow and made contact shortly afterwards. The two, who had been searching for cell service, were transported back to base, arriving at noon.
One the way out, the UTV team passed another stranded party a few kilometers up James Lake FSR.
Once our initial subjects were safe at base, COSAR returned for the other subject.
“COSAR would like to remind outdoor enthusiasts that we do not charge for rescue. If your safety is in danger, please call 9-1-1 and we will respond,” said COSAR search manager Brian Stainsby.
The task was COSAR’s 12th of the year and the third involving our 2022 class of new recruits.
COSAR would also like to remind outdoor adventurers that while spring has arrived in the valley, deep snow persists on roads and trails at higher elevations. Plan accordingly!